Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Top 12 Pregnancy Fears (and Why You Shouldn't Worry) Cont'd

THE FEAR: What if something really gross or embarrassing will happen during delivery?

THE (RELAX!) FACTS: You've likely heard all sorts of delivery room stories -- say, about the woman who pooped on the table, or threw up all over her doctor...or cursed her husband for "doing this to me" in front of everyone present. And yes, you will wind up with a team of doctors and nurses staring expectantly at your vagina for a loooong time -- and by your side for every grunt and groan. But you know what? They do this like five times a day and whatever happens, they've seen before. And in the moment, you won't care either. The only thing you'll be thinking about is getting that baby out and seeing her for the first time. "Honestly, nothing grosses us out," says Dr. Morse. "So put it out of your mind!" If it will help ease your nerves any, go ahead and get waxed before D-day, or institute a "stay north of my waist" rule for any family or friends keeping you company.

THE FEAR: I'll need an emergency c-section.

THE (RELAX!) FACTS: A third of all babies are born by c-section, but many of these surgeries are known in advance -- not the scary last-minute, rush-into-the-OR kind, says Dr. Morse. A c-section might be planned, for example, if the baby is breech or very large, if there are problems with the placenta, or if the mom has had a previous c-section. "I can tell you from my own experience that emergency c-sections are not common. But if something happens and you do need one? That's why you're in the hospital," she says. "And as scary as it may be to get whisked into surgery, mom and baby usually come out of it just fine."

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